Tuesday 27 August 2013

System Security and Internet Snooping

There is ample coverage in the media  about government spying or snooping programs monitoring or infecting your system with malware. Operating systems vary  in their security resilience. We have not yet arrived at the point where proprietary systems are complicit in the mining of personal data for commercial or government purposes.
When it comes to optimizing security on your system it can only be prudent to adopt a multidisciplinary approach. One of the areas in your system which users can more readily take security steps is the browser. Make sure it’s up to date. Browsers such as Mozilla Firefox offer add on’s featuring enhanced security features of which are free to use. According to Ixquick using a secure search engine would enhance your data security. Free to use and set as your default search engine it claims to
‘protecting people's Privacy and civil liberties. So it won't surprise you that we are a strong opponent of overreaching, unaccountable spy programs like PRISM. In the past, even government surveillance programs that were begun with good intentions have become tools for abuse, for example tracking civil rights and anti-war protesters.’ It further boasts it does not store any user data, uses encryption (HTTPS) by default, and cannot be forced to start spying by European law. https://www.ixquick.com/

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